Serres Suction bags – sustainable by design

The Serres single-use suction bag contains minimal amount of plastic, while ensuring, and even exceeding high-performance standards.

The Serres single-use suction bag contains minimal amount of plastic, while ensuring, and even exceeding high-performance standards.

Extremely light by design

The Serres Suction bag stands out for its exceptionally light and durable design. With million successes only one fail.

Its unparalleled quality ensures comfort even in the most demanding situations within operating rooms.

Up to 97% less CO2

Dedication to material efficiency and operating room waste reduction not only minimizes waste, but also contributes to a reduction in both our and hospitals’ carbon footprint.

We have calculated the carbon footprint of our 2L suction bag to fully understand how we can support hospitals in their journey to carbon neutrality.

Packaging efficiency

Our dedication to using less plastics and optimizing packaging efficiency translates into the ability to fit 4 times more Serres Suction bags into the same space as comparable products.

Smart design not only conserves space but significantly reduces transportation emissions, as more product packages can fit into one transportation truck.

Customer stories

Serres Nemo Reduces Waste Management Costs at Clinique Beau Soleil Montpellier

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Serres Nemo Saves Time and Money at Blekinge Hospital’s Department of Surgery

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Mediplast and Serres representatives in Serres factory, Kauhajoki.

Mediplast Perceives Serres as a Progressive and Caring Collaborator

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