Bringing responsible workflow to the operating room

Smart and sustainable solutions for surgical fluid collection and management

Forerunner in surgical fluid management

We share our customers’ passion for patient care and work every day to make surgical fluid management safe and sustainable.

Serres’ surgical suction system is designed to support efficient and safe fluid management.

Serres Suction bags support more than 80,000 operations around the world each day.

Serres Suction bags –
safety as a priority

Healthcare professionals’ and patients’ safety is our priority. We support their work with a closed loop system that eliminates contact with collected blood and fluids.

Extremely durable single-use suction bags provide confidence in the most hectic situations.

Our solutions allow surgeons and nurses to take quality for granted.

Reducing surgical fluid waste with Serres Nemo

With efficient collection and disposal of
a suction bag’s content healthcare providers can gain up to 97% cost savings from waste handling and reduce up to 97% carbon emissions from transporting waste to incineration.

Contributing to a more sustainable healthcare

Sustainability is at the core of everything we do. We contribute to the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. We feel that we can help our customers the most by reducing the effect our products have on the climate.

What’s up with Serres

Representatives of Serres and Eastgate Medical Services in front of a Serres rollup.

Serres Partners with Eastgate Medical Services to Drive Growth in Qatar

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Three women standing in front of a green plant wall having a discussion. EcoVadis bronze medal in front.

Serres Rewarded With an EcoVadis Bronze Medal

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Newsweek World's best hospitals ranking.

Serres Suction System Supports 50% of the Top 100 Hospitals in the World

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Find your distributor

Serres distributors are trusted members of the Serres family.

They represent Serres in more than 50 markets globally.

Customer stories

Serres Nemo Reduces Waste Management Costs at Clinique Beau Soleil Montpellier

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Serres Nemo Saves Time and Money at Blekinge Hospital’s Department of Surgery

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Mediplast and Serres representatives in Serres factory, Kauhajoki.

Mediplast Perceives Serres as a Progressive and Caring Collaborator

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